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Our Quality Assurance Program is the cornerstone of our business and is the basis of value we bring the market. Our program meets the following requirements:

  • 10CFR50 Appendix B

  • 10CFR21

  • NQA-1

  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified

  • AS9100D Certified

  • ANSI N45.2

  • ASME Section VIII U-stamp

To download our ISO/AS9100 Certificate: 

We have been audited by multiple industry utilities, OEMs, and EPCs and encourage customers to visit our facility to perform audits or surveillance.  We NIAC audited - contact us for permission to the  NIAC audit results.

Inspection capabilities include Zeiss Contura 10/16 Vast XT Gold Active Scan CMM as well as FARO Quantum S.  Measuring and Test Equipment is calibrated and controlled per our Quality Assurance Program.

In-house commercial grade dedication equipment includes many electrical, electronic, mechanical, and hydrostatic test fixtures and components as well as XRF and hardness testing.

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